Max Meulemans, director of Coaching Ways

“I recommend the Process to anyone eager to develop their free will and particularly to professionals who care for others (psychologists, coaches, therapists), who are often ‘wounded healers.’”

Mael, farmer

The Hoffman Process changed my life, for real! Not a day goes by where I don’t think about the change that I experienced in my life and I celebrate having dared to take the step.
I am now being the man I want to be.

Nathalie, doctor

I feel I am on the path towards a genuine inner reunification, something I didn’t know I needed for a long time. Descubro una determinación sólida para avanzar hacia el respeto de mi misma y el afecto y el amor que puedo dar a los otros y a mi misma.

Jean Luc, advisor

The Hoffman Process is a rebirth: I have discovered love, forgiveness, joy, and I have realized that happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey. When judgement, comparisons and expectations become superficial, life becomes a gift.

Svilena, translator

I have spent 8 intense days sharing emotions, surprises and joy. I hope everyone can experience this wonderful journey.

Workshops and seminars